Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Best Way To End A Relationship - 5 Tips

When you decide to end a relationship, it is never easy to do, even if you are at the end of your rope and feel like you hate your partner. But it is in everyone’s best interests to try and find a way to end a relationship as peacefully as possible. Most everyone has experience a bad break up at one time or another and I bet you wish that it had gone differently. I have seen this advice many places and it is worth repeating here. “Break up with others as you would like to be broken up with.” It was good advice when I read it before and it is still good advice now.

Let’s talk about the five things you need to keep in mind when you decide to end a relationship. When you end a relationship:
  • Be absolutely sure you are ready to break up before you end a relationship.
  • Always be honest with your partner when you end a relationship.
  • Pick the time and place to breakup carefully.
  • Always break up in person.
  • Just walk away, even if things get ugly.
So, let's take a moment to talk about these five things.

1. Be absolutely sure you are ready to break up before you end a relationship
Do not break up with your partner in the heat of the moment. Take time to figure out how you really feel before you decide to end a relationship because it can be almost impossible to go back if you change your mind. If you are not 100% sure, wait!

2. Be honest when you end a relationship
If you decide you are ready to end a relationship, then be as honest as possible with your partner. Be ready to answer any questions that come up and explain why you no longer want to be with this person. It will help your partner to deal with the break up and move on.

3. Pick the time and place to break up carefully
Often times break ups occur when someone get angry and the time and place are all wrong. It leads to badly hurt feelings and ugly public displays. A public place that is neutral is always best that way there will be less chance that your partner can get you to change your mind by threatening you are being ugly. Don’t ever break up with your partner at a party or family gathering. Unfortunately, if your partner has no idea that you want to break up, he or she will be upset and it could get ugly. There is never a “perfect” time or place to end a relationship, but some times and places are better than others.

4. Always end a relationship in person
Getting dumped by someone you love sucks no matter what. But it is humiliating, disrespectful and just tacky to dump someone via text or email. If you want to end a relationship, you need to be an adult and break up in person.

5. Just Walk Away If Things Get Ugly
As we discussed before, things can get ugly when you decide to end a relationship, especially if the other person had no clue it was coming. Expect tears, denial and even anger. Don’t allow the situation to escalate to dangerous levels and don’t succumb to the temptation to return any insults that are thrown your way. Take the high road and just walk away.

The decision to end a relationship can be very difficult and emotionally draining. If you are not sure how to end a relationship or if you are not completely sure you are ready to end a relationship, help is available.

The Magic Of Making Up is not just about making up.  It can help you deal with all of the problems in a relationship.  Even if your current relationship can't be saved, you can find out how to make a future relationship last.

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